Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Getting serious about meal preparation starts in our home around age 12. Of course, along the way, the children learn how to prepare and butter toast, fry eggs, assemble a sandwich ect. But by the time they reach age 12 I find that they are ready for much more involvment in the kitchen. Tonight´s dinner was completely prepared by my son with only verbal instruction. Garlic fried chicken tenders simmered in a white cooking wine, mashed potatoes and a bowl of garlic-mustard dressed salad.

This boy did an amazing job! It is well worth the time spent instructing...The priceless gift of yet another day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


It´s been down into the very low 20´s this past week...we´re waiting for snow (smile), I love the peacefulness of it. It is a time when all seems well. Meanwhile, I´m keeping my family warm with big batches of soup and warm, out-of-the oven, bread. Today´s soup, a spiced up vegetable rice served with lime wedges and shredded cabbage to garnish. Keeping it hearty...a couple of whole wheat white bread loaves; a pleasant and cozy meal.

And for the feathered variety, I am making use of a left over Fall pumpkin...keeping some of my most favorite neighbors happy.

The Stellar´s ALWAYS eat first! Stellar´s Jay´s are mostly common to the Northwest region of the United States. They are beautiful, being related to the Blue Jay.

The gentle Morning Dove (a fairly common bird across North America, winter´s here), waiting patiently their turn.

The weather is icy-cold and gloomy, but there is much joy to be found in the midst of these grey seasons.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


A simple chocolate cake made up with a large quantity of cocoa for cupcakes (the girls were in charge yesterday). These were eaten with enthusiasm by the boys. So many delicious treats eaten and gifted this holiday season.

Heading into the new year and the regular rhythm of days. Decorations are being carefully tucked away for another year as we gather in and hunker down with our daily lives. As this season passes let us remember to make some quiet time, along the way, and listen to the winter birds singing and children laughing. Some of my most favorite things in the whole world.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Wishing you all the most pleasant and beautiful new year full of hope, joy and love shared with those you love most and best.

Reflecting on the past year...full of change, hope and growth. New roads have been travelled. New paths are being carved. We´ve added to our family, having three foster children this past year. One has found a new home and two have continued with us. How full our lives have been in 2010, many memories to be treasured and tucked away in this mama´s heart. So thankful for my older children and the blessing they are to my life. For great friends and family, and the wonderful support they give me. God has been so good to us....how truely grateful I am.
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