Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Finally got around to hearing the Presidential Breakfast Speech given by Dr. Benjamin Carson (a pediatric neurosurgeon).  It was great!  If you don't know who Dr. Carson is there is a movie written about his remarkable life.

He started out his speech using four scriptures, then boldly referenced Jesus and God throughout his speech.  Oh-my-word, he spoke fearlessly indeed!  In case you missed it listen to it here.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Went out for a wintertime beach weekend.  That's what I love about the northwest, even with the four seasons the weather is usually never severe.  We had a wonderful weekend with three of the days sharing sunshine with us.  It was brisk and mildly windy these days, but hey, never mind that, and who cares that we had to wear coats we had an awesome four days!

Such a charming place we stayed, lovely in every way.  After breakfast at the beach house each morning we did some delicious wandering down at the beach.  Found some super cool rocks and the most interesting sand art I've ever seen at the beach.

Isn't this amazing?

Apparently it was left behind by the tide.

This one made me think of  a celery garden:)

This was all up and down the beach and was some thing I'd never seen before,  it captivated me.

A walk through town and some wonderful shops then home to cook a late afternoon dinner. When we weren't on the beach or at the shops in town we were snuggled in this lovely, warm home with wonderful high ceilings and gorgeous marble countertops.  This weekend was everything I needed!
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