Sunday, April 29, 2012


A bright Spring afternoon brought such delight!

I'm liking each day since with this sweetness!

These are the best kinds of days around here, everyone is happy!

Two sisters, 16 months and 6 months.  Oh, the sweet pink goodness!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Blessed beyond measure my life has been since bringing this beautiful young lady home 18 years ago.  Just turning three months when we first met in that small orphanage in Vera Cruz, Mexico, I still remember walking into that dormitory and seeing her for the first time among several others.  Sweet, tiny and precious,  I hoped that she would be mine; as it turned out she was.

And she grew and grew and grew and became a wonderful daughter and friend.  She makes me proud of her so often and she has again recently when we received news that she made the Deans List at College, with a GPA of 3.25.  Congratulations! Great job...I love you so much.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Just before Spring Break a beautiful little girl came to live with us.  We all fell in love immediately, but as quick as she came she left.  She has gone on to live with her paternal grandmother and we are glad for her to find her place of permanency, though we miss her so.  And so it is, as a foster family, they come and they go a small piece of them lives in our hearts forever and hopefully ours in theirs...

It is nice to have some color around the garden these days.  It has been grey for so long and with the drab of  winter lots of rain in our part of the world. 

I was happy to be able to pluck a few flowers up and gather them in. Daffodils, Clematis (fragrant), Bleeding Heart, Vinca, Hellebore, Primrose, tulips and Anemone.

 The Lilac is budding and the hope of Spring is near.

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