Sunday, February 27, 2011


I couldn´t believe it! I´d been waiting and dreaming of snow. It arrived Thursday morning. I hadn´t realized it until the phone rang, as morning was lighting the sky, with the announcement that school would be closed for the day.

Peeking out the curtains through the double paned window, I viewed a gorgeous scene; my heart was singing. I jumped up for the camera to capture the loveliness of the morning. As I opened the window I heard the gentle sounds of snow falling, such a beautiful and peaceful sound.

The children bundled up for some morning sledding out in our pasture then home, rosy cheeked, for a mug of steaming hot chocolate.

All is well, in our little part of the world.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


He has walked with us since he was two, he is now four. He has played and learned and changed so very much since he came to us, this little boy who was abused, neglected and abandoned. He is now loved so dearly...and has been released for adoption. Please help us pray.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Stylish carrot cake and a snowing of vanilla cream cheese frosting decorated in an inspirational winter display,  mixed up and baked by Paree. 

An enjoyable lunch with her and some shopping.  A wonderful evening with  family enjoying the plated cake with ice-cream, presents and fun conversation.  I love birthday´s.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Thank you, dear, sweet sock, for bringing me such pleasure. I only thought that you would be difficult for me. You were sassy just once or twice along the way, but were so sorry that with just a little bit of coaxing you straightened right up and in no time at all we were done. How happy I am with everything in the end, you are such a darling.

This was my first attempt at sock making. At first I felt intimidated by those four little needles, but was pleasantly suprised at the ease in creating this. I am working on the second sock, to the set, and feel completely encouraged and confident. I found this simple, basic ribbed pattern by Wise Hilda Knits, with easy to follow instructions. Lions Brand Wool Ease is the yarn I used, which made a thick, heavy sock. Great for our Pacific North West winters.
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